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Podospora anserina’s genome

Genome sequence

This is a fasta file that contains the whole genome sequence: Genome

This is a multifasta file with 7 fasta sequences corresponding to the 7 chromosomes.

We remind you that, as most fungi, P. anserina can have two mating types that control the sexual compatibility. In P. anserina there are called mat+ and mat-. The sequenced strain was mat+, that’s why the file name ends with “MatPlus”. The mating type locus is located on the 1st chromosome, that’s why it’s called Chr1plus in the fasta file.

You’ll also find bellow the 7 individual fasta files for the 7 chromosomes.


Here is a gff file containing the genome annotation:

Genome annotation

It contains coordinates and information about genes (TSS, TES, mRNAs), exons, coding exons (labeled as CDS), repeats, tRNA, centromeres etc. This file can be uploaded on IGV.

Below are BED files with only selected annotations:

These files contain coordinates and strand information for diverse genomic features. This file can be uploaded on IGV. They will be needed to run deeptools computeMatrix over these elements.

Below is a gff file containing the CDS only:

CDS annotation

Chromosome sizes

Here a file containing the size of each chromosome:

Chromosome sizes

Some programs need this information.