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qPCR on ChIPed chromatin

The quality of the immunoprecipitated material is usually evaluated by qPCR before being converted into sequencing library. This is the aim of this section.

Principle of the analysis:

The Bio-Rad CFX Real-Time PCR detection system will be used with pairs of primers that have been validated beforehand. All qPCR quantifications are done in triplicates.

Here we will use two pairs of primers:

Calculation of Amplification efficiency = primer efficiency

RAW data (output of CFX analysis software)

Using the RAW data, a standard curve can be plotted and the qPCR amplification efficiency calculated as follows:

Calculation of “Percent of Input”

The “Percent of Input” is calculted using the Mean Cq value, primer efficiency and Input dilution. This is illustrated below for two primer pairs and 3 different IPs including one with a control GFP antibody.

Implementation for the practical

DNA dilution

You can test different DNA dilutions to come across the right Cq (20-22) or do like me and test 1:5 which in my opinion corresponded to a good approximation of reality.

In theory, the Cq of the Samples should not differ from the Input more than a factor of 4, but I consider that we are OK if we stay in that range (avoid exceeding a Sample>30)

Figure - Samples dilution

qPCR reactions to do

Figure - Standards preparation

qPCR mix

Prepare a master mix for n+3 reactions (if you have 20 qPCR reaction to do, the mix should be prepared for 23 reactions)

Figure - Layout for the qPCR
qPCR reactions

Analysis of the results:

all the formulas will be explained during the workshop