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There will be two reports:

Writing instructions

Additional instructions

First report

The report is due for Friday, Septembre 30th, 23:59


This report accounts for 60% of your grade for the teaching unit


|Overview of the ChIP practical report | |:–:| | Report Overview |

Second report

The report is due for Friday, January 6th, 23:59


This report accounts for 40% of your grade for the teaching unit

Type of in-silco analyses expected in this report

Importantly: this analyses done and shown must be used to convey a biological/technical message.


Below is an outline of what is expected for the report: 1 cover page + 3 pages of text + 3 pages with Figures.

The figures shown here are just to illustrate the outline and not necessarily what we expect.
The space devoted to each section can also vary.

Overview of the ChIPseq analysis report
Report Overview