ChIP protocol
Preparation of mycelium
- Inoculate 6 Roux bottles of 100 ml of medium with a fresh mycelium (grown 1 or 2 days on M2 medium at 27°C).
- Incubate 62 hours in the dark at 27°C.
- Filter the mycelium on gauze, rinse once with PBS at room temperature.
- Fix in 100ml of PBS 1X + 2.5 ml Formaldehyde 37%, shake 15 min at 27°C. Careful: Formaldehyde is toxic, work with appropriate safety equipements (gloves, chemical hood)
- Stop with 2.5 ml of Glycine 2.5 M (shake for 5 min).
Grinding and storage (In cold room)
- Filter the mycelium (the flow-through needs to be discarded in appropriate liquid trash bin)
- Wash twice with cold PBS
- Dry on wattman paper (do not hesitate to press the mycelium)
- Grind with liquid nitrogen with mortar and pestle. Careful: Use appropriate safety equipments
- Weight and store at -80°C in 50 mL Falcon tubes (transport in liquid nitrogen).
- In order to prepare ready-to-use aliquots : Weigh approximately 200 mg of mycelium (cool the spatula in liquid nitrogen before each sample, no more than 2 samples after removal of the mycelium from liquid nitrogen)
Day 1
Lysis and chromatin digestion
- Label the tubes with your name / pair number / IP or other instruction the teachers will give.
- In the ice: Resuspend the mycelium with 1 mL of Lysis buffer (+proteinase inhibitor + CaCl2)
- Mix well at least 10 times going back and forth with the P1000 and vortex. Make sure to resuspend well the mycelium. Then leave 10 min on ice, vortex again.
- Add 5μl of Micrococcale Nuclease and incubate 35 min at 37°C (while continuously shaking if possible, otherwise in a waterbath) (Include a control without MNase to check digestion). If using a waterbath, gently mix the tubes every 2 min to resuspend the mycelium.
- Stop the reaction with 30 μl of EGTA pH 8 0.5 M , incubate 5 min on ice.
- Centrifuge 3-5 min at 4°C at top speed,
- Recover the supernatant (= soluble chromatin),
- Repeat the centrifugation to remove as much as possible the unsolubilized genomic material.
- Quantify the 2µL of your chromatin (with QuBit, following the QuBit kit protocol). You may need to dilute an aliquot of the chromatin beforehand.
(Possibility of storing -80 ° C at this stage, but for the ChIP it is better to avoid the thawing steps).
Checking of chromatin fragmentation (nucleosomal digestion pattern)
- Save a 150µL aliquot of Micrococcale digested chromatin in a fresh tube, then add:
- RNAse A (20mg/ml) 10 μl, 60 min at 37°C
- Proteinase K (20mg/ml) 10 μl, 120 min at 65°C
- SDS to 0.5%
- Incubate at 65°C over night to reverse the crosslink
Day 2
Phenol extraction of the DNA
To the tube kept over-night at 65°C,
- Adjust the volume to 300 µl with H2O
- Add 300μl phenol-chloroform (Carefull! Phenol and chloroform must be used under the fume hood!)
- mix or vortex
- centrifuge 3 min (top speed, room temperature)
- recover the aqueous phase in a fresh tube
- Add 300 μl chloroform to the aqueous phase
- mix or vortex
- centrifuge 3 min (top speed, room temperature)
- recover the aqueous phase in a fresh tube
Ethanol precipitation:
- Add 1/100th of glycogen
- Add 1/10th Sodium Acetate 3 M
- Add 2.5 volume of Ethanol 100% and mix well
- Centrifuge 15 min 16000g, 4°C, carefully remove the supernatant without aspirating the pelet.
- Add 500 μl cold ethanol 70%
- Centrifuge 5 min 16000g, 4°C, carefully remove the supernatant without aspirating the pelet.
- Air dry for 10-20 min
- Resuspend in 20 μl H2O
- Add 4μl of loading buffer
- Load everything on a 1.5% agarose gel. Run 25-30 min at 100V.
It should looks like this:
Wash 50 µL of magnetic beads per IP, as instructed here:
- 30 µl will be used immediatly for the pre-clearing
- 20 µl will be used the next day
- the washed beads must be stored at 4°C
Dilution the chromatin :
- If needed, thaw the chromatin on ice.
- Seed 5 µg of chromatin in a DNA LoBind tube. Adjust the volume to 1.1 ml with cold Lysis buffer + protease inhibitor. Keep the tube on ice.
Prepare as many tubes as necessary for the different IPs and controls you will need
In the cold room:
- Pre-clearing: Add 30 μl of washed magnetic beads to the chromatin. Incubate between 1 hour and 4 hours at 4°C on a rotating wheel.
- Place the tubes on a magnetic rack for 2-3 min and recover the supernatant in a clean DNA LoBind tube. Keep the tube on ice.
- Save 100 μl (= Input) to a new tube and freeze it at -20°C or -80°C.
- Add the appropriate amount of antibody (see here) to the rest (1 ml). Incubate over night at 4°C on a rotating wheel.
Caution: 1 Tube (5μg) = 1 Precipitation with 1 antibody. Prepare 1 tube for each replicate of each antibody.
The tubes must be annotated this way:
Day 3
Binding and washes
Add 20μl of washed magnetic beads to each IP and incubate 4h at 4°C on a rotating wheel.
Washes: Place the eppendorf tube on the magnetic rack for 3 min, remove supernatant, add 1 ml of the following cold buffers and incubate 10 min on rotating wheel each time at 4°C.
- Lysis buffer without protease inhibitor without CaCl2 - x2
- Lysis buffer NaCl
- LiCl Washbuffer - x2
- Tris-EDTA
- Resuspend the beads in 62.5μL of TES preheated at 65°C and incubate at 65°C for 10 min (vortex every 2 min or shake with the thermomixer).
- Place the tube on magnet and SAVE the the supernatant in a DNA LoBind Tube.
- Repeat the elution with again 62.5 µl of warm TES
- Pool the two elutions from the same IP into the same tube.
Cross-link reversal
- Adjust the volume of Input and IP to 500 µL with TES.
- Incubate the IPs and the Input at 65°C over-night to reverse the cross-link
Day 4
DNA Purification
Use DNA LoBind tubes for every steps
Treat the Input and IPs with:
- RNAse A (20mg/ml): 2 μl for the IPs, 5 µl for the Inputs, 120 min at 50°C
- Proteinase K (20mg/ml): 10 μl, 120 min at 50°C
Phenol extraction: to the Input and IPs
- Add: 500μl phenol-chloroform
- mix or vortex
- centrifuge 3 min (top speed at room temperature)
- recover the aqueous phase in a fresh DNA LoBind tube
- Add: 500 μl chloroform
- mix or vortex
- centrifuge 3 min (top speed at room temperature)
- recover the aqueous phase in a fresh DNA LoBind tube
DNA Precipitation
To the IPs and Input:
- Add 1/100th of glycogen
- Add 1/10th of Sodium Acetate 3M
- Vortex
- Divide into two DNA LoBind tubes (approx 250µL / tube)
- Add 2.5 volumes Ethanol 100% (i.e. approx 625µL 100% EtOH).
- Vortex
- Centrifuge 10 min 16000g, 4°C, carefully remove supernatant without disturbing the pellet
- Wash with 400µl of 70% ethanol. Spin again 10 min and remove supernatant carefully
- Air dry 10-20 min
- Resuspend each pellet in 15μl of Tris-EDTA. Combine the two pellets of the same IP together. Combine the two pellets of the Input together. The total volume is 30µL.
Quantify 2µL of the Input and IP sample with the Qubit dsDNA HS kit (follow the QuBit protocol)
Store at -20°C. Evaluate the IP specificity by qPCR and/or proceed with the library preparation.